
演讲稿2021-12-19 18:03:33admin2

Last Saturday, Li Hua, a student in our school, picked a wallet at the People Square in which there is an identification card and 3000 yuan. He had waited for 3 hours in vain before he wandered about to search for the owner but still failed, so he finally handed the wallet to the police station. A few days later, the owner came to our school for the sake of thanking and praising Li Hua. The owner also rewarded him with 300 yuan. However, Li Hua refused, saying that it is his responsibility to do so.

Last Saturday Li Hua was walking at the People's Square when she found a wallet. She picked it up at once.But when she opened it, she was surprised to see an ID card and 3000 yuan in it.She waited and waited but the loser did not turn up. So she had to turn it in to the police station.A few days later the loser tried to give her 300 yuan as a reward but she did not accept it and said that she ought to do so.



