
教学设计2024-01-05 20:53:40教师设计网

v. 抽出,拿出(时间、金钱等);饶恕 adj. 空闲的;多余的 速记技巧 词源词根法 来自古英语sparian,匀出,赦免,免于伤害,来自Proto-Germanic*sparona,保存,节省,留出,来自PIE*sper,挣取,节省,使多产,来自PIE*spe,繁盛,繁荣,词源同speed,prosper.引申古英语形容词spaer,节省的,节俭的,及诸相关词义。 谐音记忆法 谐音:四百啊,备用的钱四百啊!或sp想成“专家specialist”,are表示“是”(专家都是很空闲的) 知识扩展 词语辨析 spare,emaciated,haggard,lean,thin
例如:She was a tall,spare girl.她是个瘦高个儿的姑娘。
His face was thin他的脸瘦。
He was emaciated by long illness.他由于长期生病而瘦弱了。
The haggard faces of the rescued miners showed what they had suffered.被救出的矿工枯槁的面容表明他们遭受了什么样的苦难。
He had the lean fit look of a trained athlete.他具有一个受过训练的运动员的清瘦而健康的面容。 单词解说 spare的基本意思是“节省,节约,舍不得,吝惜”,引申还可表示“珍惜”。
spare还可作“抽出,让给,分出,匀出,腾出”解,指因为有多余,将某物让给别人以后,对自己仍不造成困难,或表示“留出时间做某事,抽出时间”。 重要短语 spare oneself偷懒
spare time n.消遣时间
spare part备件
spare no effort不遗余力;抽出;宽容;节省 精选例句 高考 四级 六级 考研 1、 After hours in the cold and wet, he reached inside and pulled the wallet out hoping to find some id so he could contact the driver, only to discover it contained £400 in notes, with another £50 in spare change beside it. 在又冷又湿的天气里呆了几个小时后,他把手伸进钱包,掏出钱包,希望能找到身份证,以便联系司机,结果发现钱包里装着400英镑的钞票,旁边还有50英镑的零钱。[机器翻译,如有错误,感谢纠错] 来源:2024年高考英语北京卷 完形填空 原文 2、 For years, my mum has been helping out by giving them whatever food she could spare. 多年来,我妈妈一直在帮助他们,把她能给的食物都给他们。[机器翻译,如有错误,感谢纠错] 来源:2016年高考英语上海卷 语法填空 A 原文 1、 providing opportunities such as the one seized by a 12-year-old Mountain View resident named Steve Jobs when he called William Hewlett to ask for spare parts and subsequently received a summer job. 提供了机会,比如12岁的山景城居民史蒂夫·乔布斯就抓住了这个机会,他打电话给威廉·休利特,向他要备件,随后得到了一份暑期工作。 来源:2024年12月四级第1套题[句子搭配题] 1、 ”[K] Manufacturing’s shrinking presence undoubtedly helps explain the decline in craftsmanship, if only because many of the nation’s assembly line workers were skilled in craft work, if not on the job then in their spare time. 制造业的萎缩无疑有助于解释手工艺的衰落,如果仅仅是因为这个国家的装配线上的许多工人都精通手工艺工作,如果不是在工作中,就是在业余时间里。 来源:2013年6月六级第2套题句子搭配题 1、 [A]Zoos which spare no effort to take care of animals should not be subjected to unfair criticism. 不遗余力照顾动物的动物园不应该受到不公平的批评。 来源:2022年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)句子选择题



