
教学设计2024-01-05 20:53:34教师设计网

v. 批评,指责;评论 速记技巧 采编自网络 cri此人;tici题词;ze则记忆方法:此人一题词则受到个方面的批评 知识扩展 词语搭配 词语搭配 criticize与以下词性连用 prep. be criticized about/by/for 因…被批评/被…批评 n. criticize the government 指责政府 精选例句 高考 四级 六级 考研 1、 We were taught how to criticize poems. 我们学习了怎样评论诗歌。 来源:秒词邦搜集整理 2、 You were quite right to criticize him. 你批评他批评得很对。 来源:《牛津词典》 1、 But perhaps Plutarch is suggesting something slightly different, something a bit closer to Marcus Cicero's claim that one should ""criticize by creation, not by finding fault. 但也许卢塔克的建议略有不同,更接近于马库斯·西塞罗的主张,即人们应该“通过创造来批评,而不是通过找出错误来批评”。 来源:2015年12月四级第3套题[句子搭配题] 1、 Before you can criticize an idea, you have to reference that idea. 在你批评一个想法之前,你必须引用这个想法。 来源:2024年12月六级第3套题句子搭配题 1、 It is fair to criticize and question the mechanism– that is the culture of research, after all – but it is the prize-givers’ money to do with as they please. 批评和质疑这种机制是公平的——毕竟,这是研究的文化——但这是获奖者的钱,他们可以随心所欲地使用。 来源:2014 年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(一)text3



